Ok, folks, it's time to get prepared for the 1st income stream at All-Teamed-UP. If you are an upgraded member below is the info and can also be found by logging in, then click on ATU Bonus and use the first link in the text. It's $40 per position and I have upgraded there with both of my two positions. By the way, the below has NOTHING to do with the upcoming Cycler this Thursday, so do not get confused.
If you are a free member at All-teamed-up then consider upgrading here: http://www.all-teamed-up.com/?micronuts
Total Team Profit Pre-Pay Page for Pro Members
As we are moving closer to our first goal of 5,000 total members in All teamed Up and the beginning of our pre-load of the All Teamed Up PRO members in to the first ATU Team Build Program, TOTAL TEAM PROFIT, we have decided to start allowing our PRO members the ability to go ahead and pre-pay for their upgrades in Total Team Profit!
Important to note:
1.IF you have 2 accounts in All Teamed Up that are both in PRO Status, you will have 2 accounts pre-loaded in Total Team Profit. You CAN pre-pay both of those memberships. To do so, you will need to login to each PRO account you have with All Teamed Up and visit this page. The pre-pay buttons are located at the bottom of this page.
2. This is for PRO members ONLY! NO FREE members of All Teamed Up have access to this page. If we find that a FREE member has somehow pre-paid, they will not be upgraded in Total Team Profit until ALL PRO members have been pre-loaded!
3. All Pro members current ATU information, username, etc. will be imported in to Total Team Profit so you will NOT need to register at the Total Team Profit website. We are taking care of all of that for you!
About Total Team Profit:
1. Membership cost per pro account is ONLY $40.
2. Total Team Profit has 2 different matrix programs built in to one. The main part of the program is a 2x2 Matrix structure. That means it only takes 6 people to cycle your position. When you cycle, you will earn $100. You will also be given FREE re-entree back in to the 2x2 Matrix. There is NO LIMIT to the amount of times you can cycle. Every 6 pro members, cycles you and earns you another $100.
3. As mentioned, their is 2 different Matrix programs built in to Total Team Profit. The main 2x2 Matrix, then there is the Team Profit Matrix. Every time you cycle in the 2x2 Matrix, we are going to automatically give you a FREE position in the Team Profit Matrix. Cycle 5 times, you will have 5 positions in the Team Profit Matrix. Each position you receive is going to be a 2x5 portion of the Team Profit Matrix. Your 2x5 portion of the matrix will pay you out $15 per position on each level of that 2x5 Matrix. In total when filled, you will earn $930 and a 2x5 only takes 62 people to fill it. The Team Profit Matrix fills from left to right, level by level from every member that cycles in the 2x2 matrix.
Pre-Pay Options:
We will be using ALL of the same processors we have listed in All Teamed Up. In addition, if you need to pre-pay using a money order, you can do that as well.
To pay by money order:
Send a money order in the amount of $41.50 ($1.50 for processing) to:
DGNS Solutions LLC
2921 Timberwood Drive #403
Fort Collins, CO 80528
Please include your username oon the money order.
Once mailed, please send an email to atuhelp@yahoo.com to let us know it is on its way and so we can keep a record of it!
Additional Notes on Processors listed below:
1. DGNS Solutions - Fundable by PayPal, you will need to fund with at least $43 to cover fees.
2. Google Checkout - For Credit Card payment ONLY
3. All other payment processors are pretty much self explanatory. If you need more information on them, please visit the "Processors" link in your ATU Member area.
ONCE you have made your payment for Total Team Profit for the username on this account, PLEASE send us an email to ttprofit@yahoo.com.
Email Subject Line: Total Team Profit Upgrade Receipt
In Email Include the following:
1. Your All Teamed Up USERNAME that you JUST paid for.
2. What Processor did you make payment through.
3. A copy of your purchase receipt.
Remember, this is a ONE-TIME fee, no monthly fees on Total Team Profit!
Just a quick update today.
ACX Crypto, Crypto300Club and *Big Investor* have
all added their 2.2% Daily Return on your packs
to all 3 of their programs.
5 years ago
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